Zaffiria’s website
Zaffiria works in the field of Media Education since 1998, manages the national Centre Alberto Manzi and realizes projects in the field of media education, digital creativity and ICT around the world: we train teachers from Korea to Senegal, from Japan to Lithuania. Zaffiria also produces multimedia materials dedicated to children and teenagers (apps, e-books, video games, blog, dedicated website) and is specialized on the Bruno Munari Method. With the Bruno Munari Method Zaffiria started the project Italiantoy: educational games and educational materials for schools, sold in France, Germany, Japan, Spain and Italy (
Zaffiria coordinates and is partner of numerous local, national, as well as European projects dealing with media education, creative technology, toolkit production, pedagogical experimentation and teacher training. We were also involved in various European projects, that allowed us to carry on in-depth experiments and to exchange approaches and methodologies with partners from different countries on complex topics such as:
- Education, game and digital citizenship
- Creativity and participation explored with media in school and extra school
- Approach to technology and diverse disciplines in a creative way
- Promotion of children’s rights and their social participation through the creative use of media
- Social cohesion
- Human rights and intercultural education