
DA#37 – Create & Play Actionbound

Can physical tasks for an interactive quiz game be developed in kindergarten?

The concept of Actionbound literally augments the reality by enhancing real-life interaction whilst using smartphones and tablets. Children and teacher can create app-based DIY digital timelines of events with the use of GPS coordinates or pre-placed codes and tasks.

First children can try out Actionbound by playing a short testing version created by the teacher. To extend the game children use their own ideas for quizzes, challenges including photo, audio and video and tournaments. When the teacher finishes the design of the game parents can play the Actionbound at home with the children. 

After being familiar with Actionbound, a new outdoor treasure hunt can be created in the kindergarten. During an excursion the children and the educator can find interesting places and develop ideas for new physical tasks. When the creation process is done the game can be played by children and parents together with the Actionbound app.

An idea from

JFF-Institut für Medienpädagogik tested with Inklusives Luise-Kiesselbach-Haus Munich, Germany


3 activities (30-40 minutes each)


5-6 years


  1. Be active and explore your surroundings.
  2. Develop your own ideas and be creative.
  3. Get to know a digital tool with which you can create your own quiz games.

#physicalactivity #qrcode #images #sound #video #movement #environment


DA#31 – Analog & Digital Coding Games

Is it possible to program a robot yourself and use an easy programming language?

There are various games and exercises to introduce children to the topic of coding, to promote their mathematical skills and expand knowledge about computers. First, the children deal with simple commands that can control a robot to achieve a goal. A simple set of paper-cards can be used for this purpose. To train the movement of the body in a room, to estimate distances and to plan actions in advance, children can play a fun offline robot game with their parents or siblings at home. As a third step, children can learn about apps that use visual programming language and can be used to control a robot or an animated character in a game. The apps include logic puzzles and allow children to create music and dance moves.


An idea from

JFF-Institut für Medienpädagogik, Germany,
tested with Integrationskindergarten Westendstrasse, Munich, Germany


3 activities (30-40 minutes each)


5-6 years


  1. Learn to use “visual programming language”.
  2. Building basic cognitive and mathematical skills through problem-solving learning.
  3. Train orientation and structuring skills: systems of order, ability to classify also seriate, comprehension of position, shapes, and proportions.

#numeracy #coding #computationalthinking #sound


DA#23 – Audio Experimentation with Watermusic

Is it possible to make your own version of Händel’s water music with water sounds?

Audio puzzles and sound experimentations are suitable for children from the age of 3 and a lot of fun. First, children can search for random sounds in the environment and record them with a simple recording app. While listening, the children can guess together what they hear. At home, parents and children look for special water sounds, create and record them. In kindergarten, children can talk about their experiences with water sounds and listen to Händel’s original “water music”. Inspired by classical music, children can mix live water sounds in the kindergarten with the recording of the classical music. In the end they create their own version of Händel’s masterpiece.

An idea from

JFF-Institut für Medienpädagogik
tested with Inklusives Luise-Kiesselbach-Haus, Munich, Germany


3 activities (30 minutes each)


3-5 years


  1. Get to know auditory design and expression possibilities.
  2. Implement own ideas in audio and music recordings (e.g., sound stories).
  3. Expand personal skills like auditory perception of the environment and auditory training.

#language #storytelling #sound #environment #art


DA#21 – A Stop Motion Film

How can animated images become a film?


Is it possible to make a film using pictures taken in class? The answer is yes! In this workshop, children will first learn how to distinguish still images from animated images and play with moving images by creating a folioscope and a thaumatrope. After learning how to take photos, the children will be invited to make a small stop motion animation film. The scenario of this small film can build on a story the class knows and appreciates, such as a children’s album. In class or at home with their family, the children will imagine a scenario and make the characters (modelling clay, toys, paper) and the set. With the educator’s help, the children will photograph the images that make up the story, put these photos in a sequence and animate their film.

An idea from

Florence Fery, Belgrade municipal school – Belgium, in co-design with Média Animation ASBL


10 activities for a total of 10 hours in school, and  3 activities at home.


5-6 years


  1. Distinguish between a still and an animated image.
  2. Illustrate the milestones of a story. 
  3. Discover and understand the stages involved in making a small object animation movie.

#language #photography #movement #stopmotion #sound #animatedmovie #mediaeducation


DA#20 – Creative Land Art

Does nature influence our emotions?


We just have to look for the sounds that involve us in our daily routine and associate them at what each one feels.

In the kindergarten or at home with the families: we listen to the sound that surrounds us and we record the ones that awaken us some emotions. We observe and collect nature elements to build land art. The pictures taken from the land art will be shared in the ClassDojo app.

An idea from

Educators team- AESA– Barreiro/Portugal


5 activities (20 minutes each)


3-5 years


  1. Identify and describe different sounds of nature.
  2. Use different digital tools to support the pedagogical activities carried out daily and learn to respect safety rules when using them.
  3. Develop aesthetic sense from an artistic composition using different elements of nature.

#nature #art #emotions #photography#sounds#Landart#audiorecorder


DA#18 – Tracks

Can technology help us experience the sounds and characteristics of the urban environment within school walls?

Children will have fun building tracks and vehicles with various materials, to then add sounds, obstacles and populate the track more and more, while playing with their peers. At home with the family, the children will use their phones or tablets to record sounds from the street or take pictures of possible hazards they would like to put on their tracks.  The tracks are then “animated” at school with the audio and video materials that children activate on a device when passing a possible hazard or sound position. At the end, each child will make a video “on the road” using the phone’s camera and the constructed vehicle to record the track from the vehicle’s point of view.

An idea from

Vincenza Rocco – Rosanna Tacchini,  ECEC educators at the Kindergarten “Scuola Materna Parrocchiale di Bolzone”, Bolzone – Italy.

In co-design with Zaffiria.


7 activities (30 – 40 min each)


3-4 years


  1. Play collaboratively with other children.
  2. Develop problem solving strategies.
  3. Creative and active use of digital.

#nature #urbanspace #movement #sound


DA#11 – Nature in the City

How to convey a sound and visual environment?


During this workshop, pupils explore the themes of sound and image. They are encouraged to observe their immediate environment: their school or home neighbourhood. Is this environment rather urban or natural? What elements are associated with the city? And with nature? What do they see? What do they hear? What does a sound say? How can sound and images complete one another? Walking through different places together, the children capture these environments in sounds and images using a camera and a Dictaphone. 

At the end of the workshop, the children make a “sound bingo” to be played with the family and other classes.

An idea from

Christine Gerards, Roton nursery school, Charleroi – Belgium, in co-design with Média Animation ASBL


Around 4 hours, 4 activities in school and 3 activities at home.


4-5 years


  1. Observe one’s environment, recognise sounds and sound effects and associate them with a photo/a corresponding image.
  2. Take, sort and choose photos for a specific goal.
  3. Identify sounds and record them.

#nature #photography #sound #environment #mediaeducation