
DA#37 – Create & Play Actionbound

Can physical tasks for an interactive quiz game be developed in kindergarten?

The concept of Actionbound literally augments the reality by enhancing real-life interaction whilst using smartphones and tablets. Children and teacher can create app-based DIY digital timelines of events with the use of GPS coordinates or pre-placed codes and tasks.

First children can try out Actionbound by playing a short testing version created by the teacher. To extend the game children use their own ideas for quizzes, challenges including photo, audio and video and tournaments. When the teacher finishes the design of the game parents can play the Actionbound at home with the children. 

After being familiar with Actionbound, a new outdoor treasure hunt can be created in the kindergarten. During an excursion the children and the educator can find interesting places and develop ideas for new physical tasks. When the creation process is done the game can be played by children and parents together with the Actionbound app.

An idea from

JFF-Institut für Medienpädagogik tested with Inklusives Luise-Kiesselbach-Haus Munich, Germany


3 activities (30-40 minutes each)


5-6 years


  1. Be active and explore your surroundings.
  2. Develop your own ideas and be creative.
  3. Get to know a digital tool with which you can create your own quiz games.

#physicalactivity #qrcode #images #sound #video #movement #environment


DA#26 – The 5 Misfits

How can we make the characters of a book become the driver for self-esteem and participation using digital and analogical expression techniques?

Starting with the illustrated book “The Five Misfits” by Beatrice Alemagna, children take an artistic and emotional journey in which they discover that people’s flaws are also what makes them special.  Children listen to the story and create their own misfits using simple materials, bringing them “to life” with a simple app, and inventing a different ending for the story. At school, the children transform themselves into the characters of the story through a series of psychomotor and theater experiences. The stories invented by the children and all their experiments are collected to create an ebook.

An idea from

Caterina Fabbri – Catia Podeschi, ECEC educators at the Kindergarten “Gli amici di Ulisse”, Pietracuta – Italy.

In co-design with Zaffiria.


7 activities (40 min each)


3-5 years


  1. Enhance communication channels, verbal and non-verbal.
  2. Fostering self-esteem and participation.
  3. Increasing attention and listening skills.

#storytelling #movement #images #bookcreator


DA#24 – In the Snow Covered Valley

Can the natural environment inspire the creation of digital stories and characters?

Nature is the protagonist and muse of collaborative digital storytelling. Children explore a natural environment  with the family and play at creating characters using the materials they find there. Starting from the created characters, the children at school collaborate on the conception of a story and animate the various parts using the stop motion technique. The children also act as the narrators in the story, using in some parts all the languages present in class or in the family.

An idea from

Giulia Benvenuto – Loredana di Rubbo – Vuerich Gigliola – Vidoni Michela – Monica Blasotti – Valentina Martina, ECEC educators at the Kindergartens “Costantino Cologna”, Tarvisio – “Gianni Rodari”, Tarvisio – “C.Collodi”, Ugovizza – “Scuola dell’Infanzia di Chiusaforte” – Italy.

In co-design with Zaffiria.


7 activities (20 to 50 min each)


5 years


  1. Exploring nature.
  2. Developing the ability to read images.
  3. Use vocabulary related to lived experiences.

#storytelling #nature #language #stopmotion #images


DA#17 – Hunting Trees

How can we build emotional bonds with nature using the digital?

The atelier is the beginning of a “Tree Hunt”: children at school with educators and at home with family members search the area for trees that are significant to them in terms of shape, size or emotional ties and photograph them. The educators will create 2 padlets, one where the children and families will share the photos of the trees they meet outside and one where they  create a map open to all where everyone can point out a tree, locate it on the map and try to classify it. The map will always be active and will be shared with families, local associations and neighbouring schools so that other children can find the various trees and visit them, but also add new ones.

An idea from

Copetti Tiziana –  Giorgini Francesca –  Maur Antonella – Pascolo Daniela – Picogna Francesca, ECEC educators at the Kindergarten “Rosa Simonetti”, Montenars – Italy.

In co-design with Zaffiria.


6 activities (30-45  min each)


3-5 years


  1. Reassessing the natural environment.
  2. Building emotional bonds with nature.

#nature #emotions #openmaps #images#padlet


DA#16 – Creative Paint Brushes

Can the leaves or needles of a tree become a paint brush?

How does a paint brush work? Can a paint brush be made using natural materials? In this atelier children try to find the answers to these questions by exploring natural environments and doing creative experiments both in the classroom and at home with their families.  The materials will be transformed by the children into special craft brushes with which they will enjoy painting canvases of various shapes and colours either in Kindergarten as well as at home.  At the end of the atelier, the children collaborate on the creation of an installation containing all their works and special QrCodes.

An idea from

Mina Marianna, Vandi Ludovica,  Innocenti Stefania, ECEC educators at the Kindergarten “Scuola dell’infanzia Arcobaleno”, Coriano  – Italy.

In co-design with Zaffiria.


7 activities (30 min each)


3-5 years


  1. Exploring natural tools elements and tools.
  2. Strengthening emotional ties within the family.

#nature #art #QRCode #images


DA#15 – Like a Tree

What if I change like a tree?

In this atelier children experience how trees are all different and how they change according to the seasons. Then they discover that they too, like trees, are all different, even though they have many things in common. Each child follows a tree near home and observes it changing over the course of the seasons, the photos of the trees are transformed into silhouettes to be decorated as desired. A main colour palette will be extracted and used by the children to create beautiful self-portraits, where the colours of the trees become the colours of their face, creating a deep connection between the child and the tree.

An idea from

Attardo Lucia – Borgolotto Maria Chiara – Buso Emanuela – Forner Roberta – Tonon Sabrina –  Vedovelli Giuliana – Vidotto Chiara, ECEC educators at the Kindergarten “Tre Piere”, Oderzo – Italy.

In co-design with Zaffiria.


7 activities (about 40 min each)


5 years


  1. Identify natural transformations.
  2. Development of expressive, artistic, visual and multimedia languages.

#nature #art #colours #images


DA#13 – Photo-Safari with Flowers

Is there a change of perspective to the world when you look at nature through a camera?

Taking photos with the tablet is very easy and children can use the device independently after a quick tutorial with the teacher. But children should not just snap pictures on a photo safari. They learn to take and select photos consciously. They can review photos, reflect on the content, and learn that beauty is seen subjectively. 

Young children who cannot read are able to distinguish different plants through photos and can use an app for plant identification together with adults. This way teachers, parents and children can spend time together in nature and learn about flora and fauna.

Nature has always been a great inspiration for artists. Through the close observation of flowers and plants, creativity is stimulated, and feelings can be expressed. To explore and learn more about famous paintings, children accompanied by adults can use children’s search engines on the Internet and have their first experience of safe image search.

An idea from

JFF-Institut für Medienpädagogik

tested with Integrationskindergarten Westendstrasse, Munich, Germany


3 activities (30 minutes each)


4-6 years


  1. Learn to use photography as a design, expression, communication, and presentation medium.
  2. Express own perspectives on the world and certain topics using photography.
  3. Explore and express feelings. Be inspired by artists and create artwork yourself.

#nature #photography #images #environment #colours #art


DA#8 – A Tangle of Emotions

Can digital media help us ‘capture’ our emotions?

Children experience, learn to recognise and manage their anger with the help of images. After the introduction to the topic of emotions (here in particular anger) with the help of a picture book, children interview their parents and are interviewed on the subject of anger.  Both produce drawings after the interviews which are uploaded and shared in a common padlet. In a second round both children and parents use their faces to express their feelings. The photos of parents and childrens angry and calm faces are then combined together to create GIFs. The last step is dedicated to a physical and artistic expression of anger with a physical/ artistic activity where children in movement create a collective “tangle”.

An idea from

Stefania Mela – Batelli Roberta – Anelli Antonella – Menghini Silvia, Reali Angela , ECEC educators at the Kindergarten “Scuola dell’Infanzia di Secchiano”, Secchiano – Italy.

In co-design with Zaffiria


4 activities (2 hours total)


3-4 years


  1. Foster children’s understanding of their own feelings and those of others.
  2. Learning to manage one’s emotions.

#emotions #images #GIF #movement #QRCode


DA#3 – Explore Emotions with 5-Picture-Method

Which emotions do you know and how can you catch them within a photo?

Children go on a photo safari and use the camera to explore their surroundings and their personal connection with it. By using a digital tool, children see their environment through different eyes, explore its meaning and change the perception. At home and in kindergarten children learn to review photos with categories and to identify and name personal viewpoints and emotions as well as to use a collaborative tool like an online bulletin board to share content and recap experiences with others. The children can also use the photo material to work together as a group, invent ideas and create a little story together.

An idea from

JFF – Institut für Medienpädagogik, tested with Familienzentrum Peter und Paul, Augsburg, Germany


3 activities (30-40 minutes each)


5-7 years


  1. Using the camera for taking pictures and exploring emotions and how they can be identified and captured through a camera.
  2. Identifying mechanisms and established view habits regarding emotional responses to photos in an active way.
  3. Learn to use photos to change perspective and create a little story. Acquire knowledge about storytelling and transitions from photo to film.

#emotions #photography #images #art #digitalcamera


DA#2 – Emotion Memory Game

Can you recognize and imitate simple emotions?

In a social environment, it’s important to be able to recognize emotions (yours and those of your peers) to communicate. This atelier helps children recognize emotions using a milestone of the digital culture: the smileys 😀

In the first part, children will discover emotions and mimic them. They play a memory game to associate smileys and faces.

In the second part, the children take pictures and use Learning Apps to create in school their own memory game with pictures taken at home with their family. This game will then be played at school with all the pupils so they get to know their classmates’ family members in a playful way.

Watch the video trailer here:

An idea from

La Fabulerie, Marseilles, France,

Tested with: La T, Marseilles, France ribu Meinado


3 activities for a total of 2 hours.


3-5 years


  1. Learn to recognize emotions
  2. Understand your own emotions and feelings
  3. Mime & act

#emotions #portrait #images #photography #theselfandtheothers