
DA#39 – You Are Music

How can music and movement become a book?

A book that is linked to music and rhythms becomes the inspiration for  motoric and artistic experiments. Following a shared playlist children move and dance in the various environments and settings, get inspired for personal and collective paintings that will then merge into personal analogical and digital books.

An idea from

Caterina Fabbri – Catia Podeschi, ECEC educators at  the Kindergarten “Gli amici di Ulisse”, Pietracuta – Italy.

In co-design with Zaffiria.


8 activities (40 min each)


4-5 years


  1. Improving basic motor patterns and coordination.
  2. Enhance communication channels, verbal and non-verbal.
  3. Fostering self-esteem and participation.

#physicalactivity #emotions  #bookcreator #sounds


DA#28 – Building Stories

Can digital tools help children to develop language?


By listening to the story and the song using technological resources (Tablet, PC and Smartphone), children develop language, above all by retelling the story, recording the song and the stories made with the families using the different digital applications. In the end, using the App Book Creator, you can build a book, with the stories elaborated in collaboration with the families and create a theater performed by the children.

An idea from

AESA educators- Barreiro-Portugal


4 activities (20 to 30 minutes each)


3-6 years


  1. Establish a relationship between writing and oral message.
  2. Use digital tools to help the child develop language.

#language #storytelling #emotions #theselfandtheother#Bookcreator#digitalbook


DA#17 – Hunting Trees

How can we build emotional bonds with nature using the digital?

The atelier is the beginning of a “Tree Hunt”: children at school with educators and at home with family members search the area for trees that are significant to them in terms of shape, size or emotional ties and photograph them. The educators will create 2 padlets, one where the children and families will share the photos of the trees they meet outside and one where they  create a map open to all where everyone can point out a tree, locate it on the map and try to classify it. The map will always be active and will be shared with families, local associations and neighbouring schools so that other children can find the various trees and visit them, but also add new ones.

An idea from

Copetti Tiziana –  Giorgini Francesca –  Maur Antonella – Pascolo Daniela – Picogna Francesca, ECEC educators at the Kindergarten “Rosa Simonetti”, Montenars – Italy.

In co-design with Zaffiria.


6 activities (30-45  min each)


3-5 years


  1. Reassessing the natural environment.
  2. Building emotional bonds with nature.

#nature #emotions #openmaps #images#padlet


DA#10 – Playing with Emotions

Can digital tools help children to express their emotions?


With the support of some digital applications (Paint), a digital camera, a smartphone, recycled materials and a lot of creativity, we can identify, show and share our emotions. At school with teachers and classmates and at home with their families, children visualize and listen to the story “The Monsters of Colors” and the respective song. Each child creates their favorite Color Monster. Using digital equipment, they design a situation that triggers one of the emotions mentioned in the story, in their favorite monster. They take a picture of family members mimicking their favorite Monster´s facial expression. They play the “Color Monster” games in the apps. Photographs of activities carried out are shared on Padlet.

An idea from

Educators team from AESA – Barreiro, Portugal


7 sessions (20 minutes each)


3-6 years


  1. Create opportunities for children to express their emotions through digital tools.
  2. Helping children to recognize and respect their emotions and the emotions of others using digital tools.
  3. Using digital tools to strengthen ties between school and families.

#emotions #colors #photography#Padlet


DA#9 – Gentle Pebbles

How can we make small children experience, in a direct and fun way, the impact of messages shared online?

While exploring the topic of minerals and their possible transformations, children reflect on how the messages we share online, both positive and negative, spread and have an impact on others. Children, educators and parents go on a pebble hunt, exploring natural environments such as rivers and small streams but also mountain paths, city parks, etc. The collected pebbles will be ‘transformed’ by the children’s creativity into tools for spreading positive messages in public spaces.

An idea from

Cabiria Manca, ECEC educator at the Kindergarten “Scuola dell’Infanzia Bosco Incantato”, Bellaria-Igea-Marina – Italy.

In co-design with Zaffiria.


7 activities (30-40 min each)


4-5 years


  1. Reflect on the dissemination and impact of the messages we share online and offline.
  2. Fostering a sense of belonging to a wider community.

#emotions #nature #art #mediaeducation


DA#8 – A Tangle of Emotions

Can digital media help us ‘capture’ our emotions?

Children experience, learn to recognise and manage their anger with the help of images. After the introduction to the topic of emotions (here in particular anger) with the help of a picture book, children interview their parents and are interviewed on the subject of anger.  Both produce drawings after the interviews which are uploaded and shared in a common padlet. In a second round both children and parents use their faces to express their feelings. The photos of parents and childrens angry and calm faces are then combined together to create GIFs. The last step is dedicated to a physical and artistic expression of anger with a physical/ artistic activity where children in movement create a collective “tangle”.

An idea from

Stefania Mela – Batelli Roberta – Anelli Antonella – Menghini Silvia, Reali Angela , ECEC educators at the Kindergarten “Scuola dell’Infanzia di Secchiano”, Secchiano – Italy.

In co-design with Zaffiria


4 activities (2 hours total)


3-4 years


  1. Foster children’s understanding of their own feelings and those of others.
  2. Learning to manage one’s emotions.

#emotions #images #GIF #movement #QRCode


DA#7 – An Emotional Letter

Can the common realisation of an advent calendar become an opportunity to strengthen family ties?

Waiting for Christmas has never been more fun! Each parent is invited to send and share with the educators a Christmas memory related to their childhood. All memories, both physical and digital,  will be organised into an advent calendar.  During the time of Advent, the children listen to a memory each day, discovering the children’s stories of their parents.

An idea from

Nadia Matassoni – Raffaella Batino – Nisi Olga Lucia, ECEC educators at the Kindergarten “Scuola dell’infanzia Arcobaleno”, Novafeltria – Italy.

In co-design with Zaffiria.


5 activities (30 min each)


3-5 years


  1. Building and strengthening emotional ties.
  2. Promoting listening skills, and verbal and graphical elaboration.

#emotions #storytelling #QR Code #podcast #christmas


DA#6 – Meet My Soft Toy

Can toys encourage children to talk about themselves?

Children’s favourite toys become a valuable opportunity to talk about themselves and discover new things about each other. At home children (with the help of the parents)  will take a picture of their favourite soft toy. At school, then, with the educators, children will tell what they like and why they chose that toy in various episodes of a podcast. Each photo will be then linked to a Qr code to create an “art” exhibition with the toys and their “stories”  in Kindergarten.

An idea from

Romina Copetti, Maria Teresa Sillitto, Sara Veljacà, Cristiana Paolini,  ECEC educators at the Kindergarten “Non ti scordar di me – Grisulute – Avasinis”, Alesso di Trasaghis –  Italy.

In co-design with Zaffiria.


4 activities (30 min. each)


3 years


  1. Expressing emotions and feelings.
  2. Listening and dialogue skills.
  3. Psycho-physical well-being of the child.

#emotions #language #podcast #QRcode #photography


DA#5 – A Grown-up’s Game

How can we help children develop a critical sense of the images shared online?

In this digital atelier the children’s natural curiosity for photos and cameras is the starting point for an in-depth experience in the world of photography and communication through images. The child develops skills and abilities by making his or her first technological experiments; explores reality and learns to reflect on his or her experiences by describing them, representing and reorganising them using different criteria and methods.

An idea from

Cataldi Francesca – Geraci Caterina – Lisa Spazzoli, ECEC educators at the Kindergarten “Don Teofrasto Pasini”, Sala di Cesenatico – Italy.

In co-design with Zaffiria.


8 activities (approx. 40 min. each)


3-5 years


  1. Exploring photography and communication through images.
  2. Enhancing the child’s creative, imaginative and expressive abilities.

#emotions #storytelling #photography #mediaeducation


DA#4 – Faces & Places

Can a face become a landscape?

With a tablet, a transparent sheet, a marker and a lot of creativity!
At home with their parents and at school with their educators, children observe and photograph their territory, the surrounding nature and the faces of their grandparents. The photos taken become the starting point for the creation of two worlds that intersect and exchange: grandparents’ facial lines are transformed into landscapes that in the end are combined to create a large wall piece.

An idea from

Romina Copetti – Sillitto Maria Teresa – Veljacà Sara – Paolini Cristiana, ECEC educators at the Kindergarten “Non ti scordar di me-Grisulute-Avasinis”, Alesso di Trasaghis – Italy. 

In co-design with Elena Iodice and Zaffiria


5 activities (1 hour each)


4-5 years


  1. Recognising and reproducing facial expressions.
  2. Exploring social and natural environment.
  3. Interpreting and reworking images and photographs.

#nature #emotions #movement #art #mediaeducation