
DA#32 – The Art of Geometry

Can geometry be introduced as a form of expression?

Digit is a character who introduces children to geometric shapes that become the basic elements for a photo safari at home and the composition of fluorescent drawings and landscapes. At home, using the app Oh! created by designers Louis Rigaud and Anouck Boisrobert, children continue the creative experience by using the geometric shapes to populate a cityscape of animals, characters and other interactive elements.  Oh! will be used again at school to create a collective landscape.


An idea from

Ciulla Letizia – Maria Domenica – Floriddia Corrada – Benini Roberta – Catanese Liliana – Giorgetti Cinzia – Zavalloni Stefania, ECEC educators at the Kindergarten “Scuola dell’Infanzia di Villamarina”, Cesenatico – Italy.

In co-design with Zaffiria.


5 activities (40 min each)


3-4 years


  1. Enhancing creative and expressive abilities.
  2. Introducing geometry in a playful way.
  3. Involve families through the use of simple and playful apps.

#numeracy #art #immersiveenvironments #blacklight


DA#19 – A Magical Forest

How can we create a (magical) forest inside the classroom?

In this atelier the forest as a natural environment is explored and its magically interpreted.  First children are accompanied to an exploration in nature to observe and explore a forest, a park, a garden.  Trees, leaves, branches, gathering fruit, leaves or pine cones will ignite curiosity, and become the starting point for a creative experience at home with the family. At school,  children create a magical forest through a collaborative immersive set-up. The forest is composed of natural elements, children’s drawings that become luminescent in the dark, projections and a personalized forest soundtrack that they create with a composition app.

An idea from

Ciulla Letizia – Maria Domenica – Floriddia Corrada – Benini Roberta – Catanese Liliana – Giorgetti Cinzia – Zavalloni Stefania, ECEC educators at the Kindergarten “Scuola dell’Infanzia di Villamarina”, Cesenatico – Italy.

In co-design with Zaffiria.


5 activities (1 hour each)


3-5 years


  1. Exploring nature.
  2. Emotional experiences through awe and wonder.
  3. Enhancing creative skills.

#nature #art #movement #immersiveenvironments #blacklight