
Service Media – Animation

Média Animation

Média Animation is the media and multimedia education resource centre for the Belgium French-speaking Community. It is recognized and subsidised by the Ministry of Education and

Ministry of Culture. It is also a centre for vocational training and a lifelong learning education centre for adults. Média Animation was founded in 1972. It was granted crucial funding to implement research, information, training and educational publication and resources in media education. Média Animation mission is to support operators in the field of education, culture and social work along two complementary action lines:

  1. Consultancy, audiovisual and multimedia production: professional production support to operators in the cultural and educational fields.
  2. Media and multimedia literacy : raising awareness with political and educational stakeholders, training teachers and educational mediators (social workers, educators etc.), publishing pedagogical resources, setting up research actions, etc.

 Since 12 years, Media Animation has created, developed and coordinated, together with several partners, the biggest informal network for media Education in Europe: and In 2017, it initiated the creation of the IAME – International Association of Media Education.

Media animation is also editing educational resources, for example:

In terms policy-making, Media Animation is part of various councils like the High council of Media Education of the Federation Wallonie-Bruxelles, the High council of Adult education,the platform against racism, etc.