How can we concretely apply the digital atelier in the kindergarten with the appropriation of a digital approach that takes into account the peculiarities of the age group? Considering for example the need for the analogue experiences and the need to work on “proximal areas” that allow children to approach and start something new, supporting at the same time the development of “homework” that cultivates the creativity of adults and children alike. Here we would like to propose to you some creative apps and useful links to inspiring experiences that can connect to the digital in a creative way and some activities for you to “experiment”.
Introduction to the methodology inspired by the 2 great Italian masters, Alberto Manzi and Bruno Munari, starting from the concept of the digital atelier itself, to the approach to the digital and up to how the role of the educator is articulated.
The necessity of creating an educational bridge with families became even more urgent during the last 2 years, were families and children were catapulted in a new situation and where the need in the family to understand how to manage technology became even more evident: the need to have educational proposals that can be taken up by parents learning as early as possible to make technology a good shared and constructive game, not just a way of passing the time or, alas, a convenient babysitter for too many moments of the day. The very urgency of the situation of the pandemic though gave also birth to new strategies and practices that educators adopted to approach the digital in Kindergarten and to approach the families, staying in touch. For this module we’ve collected and translated 5 examples of good practices implemented by Italian educators during the first year of the pandemic for you.
Which were the key elements of particular interest?
The combination of the analogue and digital, both as tools and strategies to keep a connection with the children and foster their creativity and participation
Creation of a link between home and school in order to connect the experiences of children in a meaningful way
Creation of a virtual routine / of rituals, which foster participation and sense of belonging to the group
Constant dialogue and mutual relationship between school and family
Innovative experiences from the pandemic:
Good practice #1 In distance we find a new closeness
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