
DA#31 – Analog & Digital Coding Games

Is it possible to program a robot yourself and use an easy programming language?

There are various games and exercises to introduce children to the topic of coding, to promote their mathematical skills and expand knowledge about computers. First, the children deal with simple commands that can control a robot to achieve a goal. A simple set of paper-cards can be used for this purpose. To train the movement of the body in a room, to estimate distances and to plan actions in advance, children can play a fun offline robot game with their parents or siblings at home. As a third step, children can learn about apps that use visual programming language and can be used to control a robot or an animated character in a game. The apps include logic puzzles and allow children to create music and dance moves.


An idea from

JFF-Institut für Medienpädagogik, Germany,
tested with Integrationskindergarten Westendstrasse, Munich, Germany


3 activities (30-40 minutes each)


5-6 years


  1. Learn to use “visual programming language”.
  2. Building basic cognitive and mathematical skills through problem-solving learning.
  3. Train orientation and structuring skills: systems of order, ability to classify also seriate, comprehension of position, shapes, and proportions.

#numeracy #coding #computationalthinking #sound