E-learning Modules

Module 4:
Media literacy through the co-education school-families

Co-educate young children to media through a teachers-parents partnership

E-learning Modules > Module 4


In this module, we will focus on co-education, more specifically media literacy through the co-education school-families. With our project we aim to create an educational bridge between schools and families at the benefits of the children. Challenges related to digital media are at the crossroads of school and family. Working there together and putting the young child at the center of the collaboration, is a way to provide him with good benchmarks to evolve critically in a hyper-connected world.

What is co-education about?
As a teacher, how can I reach parents, collaborate with them, involve them?
What about media-education; are there projects that focus on this specific matter?
How to introduce the subject in a fun and constructive way?

You will find answers to those questions thanks to the diversity of material at your disposal below.

Learning goals in this session

  • To understand the concept of co-education school – families: objectives and challenges identified.  
  • To illustrate the co-education methodology through Media Literacy projects and activities.
  • To identify the obstacles and opportunities of co-education to media literacy.
  • To brainstorm about solutions/tips/ for making coeducation a success.

Introductory activity

Lecture 1

Good practice #1
Tandem: learning scenarios

Learning scenarios of media education activity for schools & families

Download full description PDF

Good practice #2
Tandem: tips for school-families partnership

Methodological tips for school – family partnership in media education

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Good practice #3
123 clic

The online tool and booklet “123 clic”

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Senza categoria

Lecture 3:
How to display digital content created by children

E-learning Modules > Module 3 > Lecture 3

We share with you tons of ideas and tips to create a stunning digital exhibition with what you have in your classroom

Download the full lecture in PDF:

Senza categoria

Lecture 2:
Augmented Ludoboxes

E-learning Modules > Module 3 > Lecture 2

For the keep in touch project, we created hybrid digital/DIY activities. In this lecture, we will look at how they were thought and created. Let’s get started and discover those digital activities!

Download the full lecture in PDF:

Senza categoria

Lecture 1:
The Ludoboxes

E-learning Modules > Module 3 > Lecture 1

To keep in touch with parents and teachers during lockdowns, la fabulerie designed DIY activities to print and play with at home. In this lecture, we will look at how they were created and we share the links to all these activities if you want to try it with your pupils!

Download the full lecture in PDF:

Download the full set of DIY activities:

Senza categoria

Lecture 2:
The Digital Atelier in the Kindergarten 

E-learning Modules > Module 2 > Lecture 2

How can we concretely apply the digital atelier in the kindergarten with the appropriation of a digital approach that takes into account the peculiarities of the age group? Considering for example the need for the analogue experiences and the need to work on “proximal areas” that allow children to approach and start something new, supporting at the same time the development of “homework” that cultivates the creativity of adults and children alike. Here we would like to propose to you some creative apps and useful links to inspiring experiences that can connect to the digital in a creative way and some activities for you to “experiment”.

Download the full lecture in PDF:

Activity proposal #1
Meet my soft toy

Download the PDF

Activity proposal #2
Shapes and Word Games

Download the PDF

Activity proposal #3
Forest walk

Download the PDF

Senza categoria

Lecture 1:
What is the Digital Atelier?

E-learning Modules > Module 2 > Lecture 1

Introduction to the methodology inspired by the 2 great Italian masters, Alberto Manzi and Bruno Munari, starting from the concept of the digital atelier itself, to the approach to the digital and up to how the role of the educator is articulated.

Download the full lecture in PDF:

Senza categoria

Lecture 3:
Keeping In Touch: Innovative Experiences from the Pandemic with the digital in the Kindergarten and at Home

E-learning Modules > Module 2 > Lecture 3

The necessity of creating an educational bridge with families became even more urgent during the last 2 years, were families and children were catapulted in a new situation and where the need in the family to understand how to manage technology became even more evident: the need to have educational proposals that can be taken up by parents learning as early as possible to make technology a good shared and constructive game, not just a way of passing the time or, alas, a convenient babysitter for too many moments of the day. The very urgency of the situation of the pandemic though gave also birth to new strategies and practices that educators adopted to approach the digital in Kindergarten and to approach the families, staying in touch. For this module we’ve collected and translated 5 examples of good practices implemented by Italian educators during the first year of the pandemic for you.

Which were the key elements of particular interest?

  • The combination of the analogue and digital, both as tools and strategies to keep a connection with the children and foster their creativity and participation
  • Creation of a link between home and school in order to connect the experiences of children in a meaningful way
  • Creation of a virtual routine / of rituals, which foster participation and sense of belonging to the group
  • Constant dialogue and mutual relationship between school and family

Innovative experiences from the pandemic:

Good practice #1
In distance we find a new closeness

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Good practice #2
School without a Crown

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Good practice #3
Our look at nature from the windows

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Good practice #4
Together with Jackson Pollock

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Good practice #5
At home with Zizì

If you need subtitles: click on the YouTube link – activate subtitles – then click on the setting icon > subtitles > automatic translation > select English

Download full description PDF

E-learning Modules

Module 2:
The Digital Atelier in the Kindergarten

Divergent and creative uses of media.

E-learning Modules > Module 2


With this module we would like to introduce you to the concept of the digital atelier, which we think can give you valuable tools to approach the digital in Kindergarten  to strengthen the competences of children from an early age in a manner that is appropriate to their development, for dealing creatively, critically and safely with digital media, and for supporting them in finding their way in the complex world of media. Accompanying children to discover the world by creatively using technology can also be an exciting experience for educators. 

With our project we aim also to extend this proposal to create an educational bridge with the families, as well as other cultural institutions that are part of the bigger educational family. Then, as the great pedagogist Alberto Manzi urged us:  it is a matter of building together a new technological culture that has at its centre the child’s experience, his desire to discover and understand the world. Educators, teachers, and atelierists need to go back to the craftsmen’s workshop to discover that there are many tools, but that it is the mastery of use and the wisdom of gesture that makes the difference.

Learning goals in this session

  • Approach media in a divergent and creative way
  • Develop flexible ways of approaching the digital with the very young 
  • Gaining knowledge on innovative practices on approaching the digital during the pandemic, including the families in the process and creating an educational bridge

Lecture 1

Lecture 2

Lecture 3

E-learning Modules

Module 3:
Approaching the digital in an analog way

E-learning Modules > Module 3


In this module, we will look at how to engage kids and parents with digital activities to do at home. We will describe how, at La Fabulerie, we use storytelling, blending learning and creativity to work together with children, teachers and parents. We will also give tips on how to display this digital content in an attractive way.

You want to make the perfect homemade digital exhibition: let’s get started!

Learning goals in this session

  • Use storytelling and digital tools to keep in touch with your community
  • Gain digital knowledge
  • Learn how to display your digital creations
  • Play and have fun!

Lecture 1

Lecture 2

Lecture 3


Agrupamento de Escolas de Santo António

Agrupamento de Escolas de Santo António’s website

The Agrupamento de Escolas de Santo António (St. Anthony Schools Group), is a school grouping that brings together a total of eight educational establishments, with levels ranging from pre-school education, first, second and third cycles of primary education to secondary education and  alternative courses, education and training courses, professional courses and adult education. The school is part of the TEIP 2 Program, the Programme for Priority Intervention Educational Areas, with the main purpose of promoting educational inclusion in schools located in disadvantaged areas which included children ‘at risk of social exclusion’, with the aims of reducing the Early School Leaving (ESL) and promoting educational success. The school promotes the development of an inclusive education and has as its main objective the quality of educational processes, in order to promote the development of cognitive, social, affective, aesthetic and moral abilities of all students.

Multiculturalism is one of the characteristics of the school population, with about 400 students have at least one parent of foreign nationality and an important number of Roma students. The large and growing number of students supported by The School Social Action is a relevant indicator of the socio-economic level of the school population and indicates the cases of extreme poverty that are being detected. The number of students enrolled in the Commission for the Protection of Children and Young People at Risk is also very high and growing, providing another important indicator of the socio-economic and cultural context of families and their difficulties.

The St. Anthony School Group has received the Intercultural School Seal for three consecutive years and, in this academic year, has the advanced level seal. This label was created by the General Directorate for Education and the current High Commissioner for Migration.

Differentiating schools that stand out in their projects and practices that promote the recognition and appreciation of diversity as an opportunity and source of learning for all.

In the context of the Early Childhood Education education, the Jardim de Infância (Kindergarten) evidences the rand knowledge of development and learning as inseparable aspects; the recognition of the child as a subject of the educational process; the articulated construction of knowledge; the requirement of response to all children.

These assumptions lead us to the application of a flexible curriculum model open to the participation of children, using differentiated and comprehensive methodologies, in which each child can benefit from processes developed with the group and have the the possibility of addressing various content in a globalising and integrated way.