
DA#8 – A Tangle of Emotions

Can digital media help us ‘capture’ our emotions?

Children experience, learn to recognise and manage their anger with the help of images. After the introduction to the topic of emotions (here in particular anger) with the help of a picture book, children interview their parents and are interviewed on the subject of anger.  Both produce drawings after the interviews which are uploaded and shared in a common padlet. In a second round both children and parents use their faces to express their feelings. The photos of parents and childrens angry and calm faces are then combined together to create GIFs. The last step is dedicated to a physical and artistic expression of anger with a physical/ artistic activity where children in movement create a collective “tangle”.

An idea from

Stefania Mela – Batelli Roberta – Anelli Antonella – Menghini Silvia, Reali Angela , ECEC educators at the Kindergarten “Scuola dell’Infanzia di Secchiano”, Secchiano – Italy.

In co-design with Zaffiria


4 activities (2 hours total)


3-4 years


  1. Foster children’s understanding of their own feelings and those of others.
  2. Learning to manage one’s emotions.

#emotions #images #GIF #movement #QRCode